Calendar of Events - Therapeutic Assessment Institute
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This two-day, 9-hour workshop is designed for professionals and graduate students interested in learning about the Therapeutic Assessment model developed by Stephen Finn and his colleagues.

Therapeutic Assessment (TA) is a highly individualized and collaborative approach to psychological assessment that often leads to growth for clients. Participants will come to understand the core values of TA and the interpersonal stance that contribute to successful application of the model. Key concepts and theories related to TA will be presented, and common psychological tests used in the model will be introduced. Participants will be exposed to the different steps that are part of the Adult TA model and come to appreciate how to develop questions to be answered through testing, and how to explore test results to build client insight. As the steps of the model are explained, clinical vignettes, including video and test data, will illuminate the application of this approach. Participants will be given some key takeaways about the model and steps they can use to enhance client care.

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4/19/202410:00am to 3:00pmRaja David

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4/26/202410:00am to 12:00pm

This two-day, 9-hour workshop is designed for professionals and graduate students interested in learning about the Therapeutic Assessment model developed by Stephen Finn and his colleagues.

Therapeutic Assessment (TA) is a highly individualized and collaborative approach to psychological assessment that often leads to growth for clients. Participants will come to understand the core values of TA and the interpersonal stance that contribute to successful application of the model. Key concepts and theories related to TA will be presented, and common psychological tests used in the model will be introduced. Participants will be exposed to the different steps that are part of the Adult TA model and come to appreciate how to develop questions to be answered through testing, and how to explore test results to build client insight. As the steps of the model are explained, clinical vignettes, including video and test data, will illuminate the application of this approach. Participants will be given some key takeaways about the model and steps they can use to enhance client care.

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5/3/202410:00am to 3:00pmRaja David

6 W o r k s h o p s , O p e n i n g a n d C l o s i n g P l e n a r i e s , 6 2 p r e s e n t a t i o n s f r o m 1 1 c o u n t r i e s ( A r g e n t i n a , B e l g i u m , B r a z i l , H u n g a r y , I s r a e l , I t a l y , J a p a n , M e x i c o , S l o v e n i a , S w i t z e r l a n d , U . S . ) , F r i d a y R e c e p t i o n . 

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9:00am to 8:00pmKim Gorner

In this webinar, Dr. Krista Brittain will review the process and utility of family sessions in Child Therapeutic Assessment (TAC).  Participants will review four (4) common conceptualizations of family systems in TAC and explore how they may present on a continuum from more intense to more subtle.  Participants will draw on their own clinical work and a case example. 

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5/17/202410:00am to 12:00pm

In this webinar, Dr. Stephen Finn will conduct a live consultation with Dr. Donna Kelley, who will be presenting an in-process multi-method Therapeutic Assessment of a client with severe shame. Prior to the webinar, attendees will receive brief background information on the client, copies of the major test materials, and Dr. Kelley’s questions for consultation. During the webinar Dr. Finn and Dr. Kelley will discuss the assessment, and attendees will have the chance to offer comments and ask questions. The goals of this webinar are two-fold: 1) to demonstrate the TA model of consultation, and 2) to demonstrate the use of TA with clients with severe shame.

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6/7/202410:00am to 12:00pm

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