Protecting and Promoting Your Interests

2025 Traverse City MSHA Mine Safety Refresher
2/12/2025 - 2/15/2025
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Description

All classes start at 8:00 am
Refreshments and lunch will be provided by AIS

Each company must update their training plans to reflect Michigan Aggregates
Association as the competent training organization, and this updated plan must be
posted for the employees to view at least two weeks before the training. If you
need assistance updating your plan, please contact the MAA office. Each
aggregate production facility must also address any changes at their location that
affect the safety and health of the workers in order to comply with MSHA
Training certificates will be completed at the end of each session, but companies
must be aware that, to be valid, the certificate must be signed by the person who is
responsible for the company’s safety and health. MAA/AIS will not be responsible
for lost certificates.

MAA and AIS Construction Equipment are dedicated to safely advancing and promoting the industry.
AIS Construction Equipment
8300 M-72
East Williamsburg, MI 49690

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