Conscious Discipline
8/8/2024 - 8/9/2024
9:30 AM - 2:30 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Description
Marriott Columbus Northwest, Dublin, Ohio

Intended audience: 
Head Start and Early Head Start Administrators, Coaches, Mentors, Teachers and Assistant Teachers

As a result of this event, participants will be able to increase the fidelity of their implementation of Conscious Discipline throughout their Head Start program from the office, to the classroom and families’ homes.

 Content is approved for IACET CEUs and approved/applied for Ohio Approved Professional Development

Thursday, August 8        10:30am to 4:45pm (lunch provided)
***Registration will open at 9:00 am

General Session - 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Under Construction — Finding Joy within the Mess     
Latoria Marcellus                                                                                                   0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
It is hard to find the beauty within our own mess! Take a journey into the uncharted terrain of adult first transformation as we pursue an understanding of how we find our best selves through reflection, evaluation, and acceptance. Learn how the 7 Powers of Conscious Discipline can help adults move through their struggles with self-regulation to a place of inner peace and joy.
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will be able to identify an area of growth based on the 7 powers of Conscious Discipline.
  2. Participants will be able to create an action plan to cultivate self-regulation within themselves.

Lunch (provided) 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm 

Breakout Sessions -- 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm 
If I Knew Then What I Knew Now — Teacher Edition
Myara Jefferson                                                                                                0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
***This session will be repeated on Friday morning
This session will create a safe space to bring together experienced educators to reflect on their teaching journeys and share insights gained over the years. They will discuss challenges they faced, lessons learned, and strategies that have proven effective in the classroom. The session will focus on professional growth, mentorship, and continuous learning in the field of education. Participants can expect to gain valuable perspectives and practical advice from seasoned educators to enhance their own teaching practices.
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will identify self-care techniques that support balancing personal and professional life.
  2. Participants will be able to network to gain a supportive community and identify strategies to create supportive communities in your existing networks.
Becoming Brain Smart — The BSS & the Brain
Rozlyn Grant                                                                                                      0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
During this session, participants will learn about the three brains states and how they are supported and given the opportunity to be strengthened through the Brain Smart Start (BSS).
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will be able to name and identify the brain states.
  2. Participants will be able to name and identify the 4 components of brain smart start.
  3. Participants will be able to use the brain states and brain smart start to plan for daily implementation.
Supporting Parents in Implementing Connections and Routines
Brittany Highley                                                                                                0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
***This session will be repeated on Friday morning
Brittany will share her journey from traditional parenting to conscious parenting. Participants will learn strategies to work with your school family to build meaningful connections and routines that help both the home environment and school environment.  
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will identify strategies to help families build meaningful connections and communications within family and school environment.
  2. Participants will identify strategies to support families in their ability to set healthy boundaries and build self-independence by creating family structures that resemble school structures.
  3. Participants will identify strategies to help families shift to see parenting from a different lens.

Breakout Sessions - 3:15 pm - 4:45 pm 
Conscious Discipline for Managers/Supervisors                 

Tonya Byous                                                                                                      0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
In this session we will discover the skills and perceptions needed to experience meaningful change and build healthy relationships with families, teachers, and stakeholders. Managers and Supervisors will understand the Conscious Discipline concept with leadership. Using the adult first / leader first model managers and supervisors will learn how to create the school family, to support teachers, and share information with families.
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will be able to identify and share the difference in Traditional Discipline and Conscious Discipline with staff and families.
  2. Participant will recall the three brain states and when modeling to others, answer the question each state asks.
Conscious Discipline – The Power of Transformational Change
Latoria Marcellus                                                                                             0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
Triggers affect the life of an educator on a daily basis. Learn how our mental models shape our thoughts and actions, and how it is possible to take control through the power of Conscious Discipline. Change your thoughts and change your life! You have the power.
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will be able to state the origins of mental models.
  2. Participants will be able to identify the source of personal mental models.
  3. Participants will be able to identify connections between mental models and triggers inside and out of the classroom.
Striking Connections with Language & Literacy
Myara Jefferson & Brittany Highley                                                                          0.2 CEUs/Approved for 1.5 OA hours
***This session is a repeat of the same session from 2023 Conscious Discipline Conference
During this session, participants will fully engage with connection activities led by “I Love You Rituals.”  Participants will also learn techniques to align connections with daily literacy activities.
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will be able to identify connections (eye contact, touch, presence, playfulness) during interactions.
  2. Participants will be able to demonstrate rituals to connect with students and families.
  3. Participants will be able to plan classroom activities and family/at home connection & literacy connections.

Friday, August 9     8:30am to 2:30pm (lunch provided)
Breakout Sessions - 8:30 am - 8:50 am 

Centering Activity – Brain Smart Start
*Activity will be held in your morning session before the session content begins
Participants will experience an interactive Brain Smart Start (Unite, Disengage Stress, Connect & Commit) to prepare the brain for learning. In a whole group setting, participants will share “Aha” moments from the previous training day

Breakout Sessions - 9:00 am - 10:30 am 

Supporting Parents in Implementing Connections and Routines
Brittany Highley                                                                                                0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
***This session is a repeat from Thursday afternoon
Brittany will share her journey from traditional parenting to conscious parenting. Participants will learn strategies to work with your school family to build meaningful connections and routines that help both the home environment and school environment. 
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will identify strategies to help families build meaningful connections and communications within family and school environment.
  2. Participants will identify strategies to support families in their ability to set healthy boundaries and build self-independence by creating family structures that resemble school structures.
  3. Participants will identify strategies to help families shift to see parenting from a different lens.
If I Knew Then What I Knew Now — Teacher Edition
Myara Jefferson                                                                                                0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
***This session is a repeat from Thursday afternoon
This session will create a safe space to bring together experienced educators to reflect on their teaching journeys and share insights gained over the years. They will discuss challenges they faced, lessons learned, and strategies that have proven effective in the classroom. The session will focus on professional growth, mentorship, and continuous learning in the field of education. Participants can expect to gain valuable perspectives and practical advice from seasoned educators to enhance their own teaching practices.
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will identify self-care techniques that support balancing personal and professional life.
  2. Participants will be able to network to gain a supportive community and identify strategies to create supportive communities in your existing networks

Conscious Discipline with Infants and Toddlers
Tonya Byous                                                                                                     0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
During the first three years the child’s brain grows rapidly. During those years they establish the temple of how they will regulate and manage stress. In this session caregivers will learn the concept of all behavior having meaning. In this introduction of Conscious Discipline, the care giver will identify each Brian State (Survival, Emotional, Executive) the need, trigger, skill and behaviors of each brain state.
We will explore creating secure attachment in daily interactions with infants and toddlers through attunement and social play.
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will be able to describe the three brain states.
  2. Participants will be able to model and answer the question each state asks.

Breakout Sessions - 10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Let’s Roll!- How to Get Started with Conscious Discipline
Latoria Marcellus                                                                                             0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
Getting started with Conscious Discipline begins with understanding what it is. Take a deep dive into the concept of adult first transformation by understanding the 7 Powers and Skills of Conscious Discipline and how they connect to your everyday life. Participants will leave with the tools necessary to begin practicing Conscious Discipline as soon as the session is completed. 
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will demonstrate their understanding of Perception and Composure concepts.
  2. Participants will identify three steps that are necessary in becoming a Conscious Discipline practitioner.
So Many Structures Where Do I Begin?
The Who, Where & What of Conscious Discipline Structures

Rozlyn Grant                                                                                                      0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
During this session participants will learn about the powers and skills that support the structures, along with how to set them up and when to use them.
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will be able to name and identify the Powers of Conscious Discipline
  2. Participants will be able to name and identify the skills of Conscious Discipline.
  3. Participants will be able to name and identify the structures of Conscious Discipline.

Routines and Visuals — Reducing the Chaos
Myara Jefferson & Brittany Highley                                                          0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
Participants will learn practical strategies for implementing routines and visuals to improve classroom management, enhance language and communication skills, and foster independence and self-regulation in learners. Through real-life examples and interactive discussions, attendees will gain valuable insights into the benefits of using visual cues and structured routines. Whether you are an educator looking to optimize your teaching practices or a professional seeking to enhance productivity in the workplace, this presentation will provide you with practical tools and strategies to effectively integrate routines and visuals into your daily routines.
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will identify strategies to help students increase independence and provide a sense of security
  2. Participant will practice skills to foster connection and aid in development in academic and social skills.

Lunch/General Session - 12:15 pm to 2:30 pm

The Joy for the Journey

Tonya Byous                                                                                                      0.2 CEUs/submitted for 1.5 Ohio Approved hours
The journey in Early Education and life will have twists and turns, smooth, and bumpy roads. During this session we will learn skills to help us navigate the journey with joy! The Seven Powers of Conscious Discipline help you develop your inner resources and create purposeful positive change in your life.
During this session discover the following: you’ll become aware of the mental models; limit beliefs, unconscious biases and intentions that drive your feelings and behaviors. With consciousness comes the opportunity to choose differently and make lasting changes in your life and the lives you touch.

Learning Outcomes:
  1. Participants will be able to identify and reflect on the mental models of how you view feelings and behaviors
  2. Participants will be able to describe neuro-plasticity and practice rerouting thoughts and habits.

Member: $350.00 includes lunch on 8/8 and 8/9


OHSAI strives to have as many attendees as possible pre-registered and paid.  If payment cannot be made by the deadline, please forward a purchase order.  If a registration must be canceled, please do so seven (7) working days prior  to the training.  Cancelations must be made in writing. If a cancelation is made after the cutoff (7 working days prior to the training), a $40 administration fee will be applied per canceled person. No refund will be given for cancelations occurring less than 24 hours before event. Alternate participants may attend.   
Late Fees: $25.00  Registrations received after the deadline listed above will be assessed a late fee of $25.00 per person.

Hotel Reservations should be made directly to 

Marriott Columbus Northwest
5605 Blazer Pkwy
Dublin, Ohio  43235

  Rates:         $130.00      Single/Double
Includes complimentary wireless internet access, breakfast 
Deadline for registration at these rates is Tuesday, July 16
Marriott Columbus Northwest
5605 Blazer Pkwy
Columbus, OH 43017

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