9:00 AM - 2:30 PM Eastern
February 5-6, 2025
Marriott Northwest Columbus 5605 Blazer Parkway, Columbus, OH 43017
REGISTRATION FEES: Subscription Member: $250 Non-Member: $325
HOTEL RATE: $130 per night; includes breakfast and Wi-Fi
Online reservation link
Click here to view tentative agenda
Tuesday, February 4
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. OHSAI Board Meeting
Wednesday, February 5
8:00 a.m. Registration
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Community of Learners
The Community of Learners model is intended to facilitate meaningful and intentional networking, sharing and learning among and between peers working in a common field.
Cindy Fetters, Ironton-Lawrence County CAO; Sharon Fisher, Warren Co Community Services
- Chapter 7 of Storytelling with Data “Lessons in Storytelling”
Kristen Kerr, Community Action of Wayne/Medina; Amy Esser, Mercer County Head Start
- Current Federal and State Landscape
- Mental Health and Program Staff
- Monitoring Discussions
- Recentering on JOY
Jeanine Bensman, Council on Rural Services; Angie Kisor-Bridges, Ironton-Lawrence County CAO; Cristi Jackson, Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action
- Prenatal Services, Standards and Resources
Bethany Lapp, Child Focus Inc; Michele Delph, CAC of Erie, Huron & Richland Counties; Dr. Therese Hunt, Butler County ESC; Christine Balusik, Ross County CAC
- Making Data Meaningful--using data to create individualized learning opportunities (i.e., small groups)—please bring teacher data examples to share
- Using the strategies of reflective supervision to build a strong building culture
Nicole Shetterly, Toledo Public Schools; Aaron McFann, Ironton-Lawrence County CAO; Amy Hawley, Council on Rural Services
- Taxes and Financial Literacy
- Housing Insecure Families
Judy Koogler and Dan Schwanitz, Council on Rural Services
- Monitoring Discussions
- Updated Performance standards
Alice Marie Ohlin and Linda Fox, Akron Summit CAA; Brenda Bissett, Coshocton County Head Start; Angie Stephenson, Mercer County Head Start
- Monitoring review and updated performance Standards
- ASQ online discussion/questions
Carla Rodriguez, Lorain County CAA; Julie Mickley, Knox County Head Start
- Workforce Recruitment and Retention
- Compensation and Pay Equity
- Technology Integration in HR Processes
Becky Glasure, HARCATUS Head Start; Jeanette Taylor; Jeannette Jarrett; Theresa Wynn, West Ohio CAP
- Community Partnerships Collaborations
- Communication
Heather Ratcliff, Ohio Heartland; Janaye Stump, CAO of Scioto Co.
- OBI policies and procedures, updates
- Agency paperwork and policies--bring a copy of the documents, policies and/or tracking/timelines you use
- Inclement weather policies
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Networking Luncheon in the Atrium
1:00pm to 1:15pm Affiliate Elections
Director Parent
Staff Friend
1:15pm to 1:30pm District Elections
Northwest Southwest
Southeast Northeast
1:30pm to 4:30pm Breakout Sessions/Community of Learners
Disabilities Community of Learners – Special Education Updates
Alice Marie Ohlin, Community Action Akron-Summit; Dr. Therese Hunt and Cristina Evans, Butler County ESC
- Referrals--How are they going?
- OHIO PROMISE Update with Dr. Wendy Grove; Senior Advisor for Research, Evaluation, and Impact with Ohio DCY
- Updated Performance Standards—10% enrollment, waivers
- Program updates, chats and questions
Bethany Wenzel, Warren Co Community Services; Marie Vermeulen, LEADS Head Start
- Coaching with CLASS
Cindy Fetters, Ironton-Lawrence County CAO; Sharon Fisher, Warren Co Community Services
- PIR Section C
- 30% Housing Income Calculator
0.3 CEUs/SUBMITTED for 3 OA hours
Peg Tazewell, Knox County Head Start
Beginning with an exploration of Eric Berne’s Ego States (Parent, Child, Adult) as articulated within Transactional Analysis (TA), this session will consider how awareness of ego states within interactions/transactions may strengthen leadership skills. Participants will learn how to identify their own and team members ego states with a goal of leveraging the adult ego state to facilitate open communication, problem solving and collaboration within your team.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify Eric Berne’s three ego states within Transactional Analysis
- Assess individual patterns of communication within ego states
- Define complementary, crosses and ulterior transactions and how they impact communication and problem solving
0.3 CEUs/SUBMITTED for 3 OA hours
Lindsay Green, Behavioral Health & Wellness Coordinator--Miami University's Ohio School Wellness Initiative
In this interactive session, participants will learn how to empower parents and adult caregivers to
strengthen children’s resilience through the power of storytelling. We’ll explore the "Do You Know?" Scale, which highlights 20 key questions that, when understood by children, are linked to greater well-being in adulthood. Participants will also gain insights into three types of family narratives: ascending, descending, and oscillating. By the end of the session, attendees will be equipped with tools to help families build stronger connections that will nurture the emotional health and resilience of children.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify the role of storytelling in fostering resilience and emotional well-being in children, with a focus on the connection between family narratives and long-term outcomes.
- Learn how to use the Do You Know? Scale to strengthen family connections and enhance children’s emotional health.
- Examine the three types of family narratives: ascending, descending, and oscillating; and develop strategies for effectively sharing this.
0.3 CEUs
Alysha Currie & Sheila Goertemoeller, Drug and Poison Information Center--Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
This presentation is a comprehensive review of marijuana including a description of the various alkaloids in the marijuana plant with a focus on the difference between THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). The toxicity of THC exposures and treatment for THC overdose will also be discussed as well as the differences in ingestion of edible THC versus inhaling THC. A review of current Poison Center data on THC exposures and trends will be shared as well as discussion of harm reduction strategies to prevent accidental exposure to THC products.
Learning Outcomes
- Describe the role of the Poison Information Center
- Define cannabinoids and Identify issues of THS edibles toxicity
- Identify components of THC Edibles epidemiology and harm reduction strategies
Thursday, February 6
8:00 a.m. Registration
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions
Bridges Out of Poverty—Through the Lens of an Employer
0.3 CEUs
Suzanne Prescott; M.Ed., SW; Southwest Ohio Regional Prevention Project Director,
Southwest Regional Prevention Council Coordinator, Ohio Children's Trust Fund
Bridges Out of Poverty is a comprehensive approach to understanding the differences in economic cultures and how those differences influence behaviors and relationships. This session will help Directors and other leaders understand and apply Bridges concepts to support successful communication, relationships, and organizational culture.
Learning Outcomes
- Explore basic principles of Bridges framework
- Apply framework to how people from poverty might be affected in a work environment
- Identify strategies to support your leadership role in maintaining employees through investigating Hidden Rules from an employee perspective.
IMIL Strategies to Increase Instructional Support
0.3 CEUs/APPROVED for 3 OA Hours
Brandon Williams, Early Childhood TLC
This session will provide physical activity strategies that improve teacher-child interactions and promote higher order thinking. Movement based learning experiences will be utilized to demonstrate the indicators and behavior markers of instructional support.
Learning Outcomes
Motivational Interviewing: Conversations that Help Partnering with Families
0.3 CEUs
Delphia Roberts-Brown, Azaliah Early Childhood Consulting Services
At times staff feel unprepared to have sensitive discussions with families. Using Motivational Interviewing (MI) strategies and principles can help staff feel more confident when addressing tough issues. Staff who practice MI techniques may also find that it enhances their relationships with families—opening up a deeper dialogue. Supervisors, directors and consultants have also used these strategies to form more positive and effective relationships with their colleagues. In this session, participants will explore factors that make it difficult for families to engage in EHS/HS while gaining strategies that will improve their ability to develop more positive relationships with families through conversations that facilitate growth. Participants will learn Motivational Interviewing principles that will support the development of meaningful conversation to support ongoing parent engagement.
Learning Outcomes
- Learn the processes, spirit and strategies of Motivational Interviewing.
- Understand the benefits of perspective taking, building partnerships and exploring change alongside parents when having difficult conversations.
- Use the OARS strategy when having a conversation with a family.
0.3 CEUs
Morgen Morrissette, Pro Bono Coordinating Attorney--Legal Aid of Southeast and Central Ohio
This course is designed to educate and train Head Start stakeholders on the basics of immigration patterns in Ohio and immigration law. As part of the training, attendees will be given a broad overview of immigration law including different immigration statuses, paths to legal status, determining an individuals’ immigration status and the basics of navigating the US immigration bureaucracy. The training will also address educator’s rights when interacting with immigration enforcement and ways to support families in knowing their rights.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify types of immigration status
- Identify keys to navigating the US immigration system
- Articulate the rights of educators and individuals in interacting with immigration enforcement
12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Lunch and General Session
Brittany Boulton, Vice President for Groundwork Ohio
Julie Stone, Executive Director for OHSAI
For more information about CEUs and OHSAI’s Professional Development policies and practices, CLICK HERE
These sessions are approved for IACET CEUs. IACET CEUs may count toward Ohio Approved credit
Sessions submitted or approved for Ohio Approved hours will require participants OPIN # to be requested and your participation will be recorded in the Ohio Professional Registry after the session is completed.
Hotel reservation information - Online reservation link Call reservation hotline @ 614-791-1000
Group Code - OHSAI February Training Feb 2025
Cutoff date for these rates is Wednesday, January 22, 2025
5605 Blazer Pkwy
Columbus, OH 43017
click here for Google Maps