10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Eastern
5605 Paul G. Blazer Parkway
Dublin, Ohio 43017
$350 - includes lunch on March 11 & 13
Head Start families are significantly impacted by increasingly complex systems, issues and structures. Staff must possess an understanding of human and professional dynamics and apply expert skills in engaging and partnering with families and community partners. Highly qualified presenters from diverse areas of academia and social service will help participants understand the unique issues faced by the families we serve, the provision of services within Head Start’s Performance Standards framework, and engage participants in strategies to improve their professional practice by strengthening relationships and building skills.
Wednesday, March 12 - 8:45 am to 4:30 pm (lunch on your own)
Thursday, March 13 - 8:45 am to 2:00 pm (lunch included)
Participants will increase understanding of cultural and societal issues that impact families and individuals.
Participants will explore components of effective parent engagement and apply principles to their individual practice.
Participants will practice skills that will increase their effectiveness in working with families.
Individuals who work closely with families such as Family Services Staff, Supervisors and Home Visitors, and especially those who are responsible for assisting families in setting and achieving goals.
Conference has been submitted to the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board for 15 CPEs for Social Workers and Counselors.
IACET CEUs will be available for all sessions.
*IACET CEUs may count toward Ohio Approved credit. CEU post-session emails will have instructions on submitting your certificate to OCCRRA for verification toward your PD Certificate.
OA Session has been submitted/is approved for Ohio Approved hours.
For more information about OHSAI CEU Policies and Procedures, and for more information about preparing for your conference experience, visit https://ohsai.org//professional_development_infor.php
OHSAI strives to have as many attendees as possible pre-registered and paid. If payment cannot be made by the deadline, please forward a purchase order. If a registration must be canceled, please do so seven (7) working days prior to the training. Cancelations must be made in writing. If a cancelation is made after the cutoff (7 working days prior to the training), a $40 administration fee will be applied per canceled person. No refund will be given for cancelations occurring less than 24 hours before event. Alternate participants may attend.
Late Fees: $25.00 Registrations received after the deadline listed above will be assessed a late fee of $25.00 per person.
Hotel Reservations should be made directly to:

Columbus Marriott Northwest
5605 Paul G. Blazer Memorial Parkway
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Hotel Reservation Link
Rates: $130.00 Single/Double
Includes complimentary wireless internet access and breakfast Tuesday-Thursday
Deadline for registration at these rates is Monday, February 24, 2025