New Chapter Application

This form is used to request to start a new chapter.  The new chapter registration fee is $100.  Upon approval of your submission, you will receive an invoice via email from PayPal to submit the fee of $100. New chapters receive an official chapter certificate with the approved chapter name, four large National patches and four small new member patches.  New chapters will also have an official  Facebook page as well as a page on the Chrome Divas website and are required to maintain their webpage and Facebook page with up to date content. 

Annual renewal fee of $50 and bylaw update is required for chapter to remain an active chapter.  Renewal packets are mailed with an official chapter certificate and merchandise for the four primary BOD officers as a token of appreciation.

Affiliated chapters shall be named after their respective city.  Name choices which are broad or cover a range of territory or region will not be considered.
By submitting this form, all four chapter primary officers have read and agree to abide by Chrome Divas, Inc.'s New Chapter Policy and National Bylaws
Please note: The chapter registration fee is non-refundable