Sickle Cell

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Donation Introductory Text

PURPOSE: To provide financial support to an individual with expenses directly related to his or her Sickle Cell diagnosis in effort to effectively respond to the occurrence of Sickle Cell Anemia within the African American community. 

BACKGROUND: This National Project is funded through the annual contributions assessed the membership, and paid prior to the annual National Convention. Grants are awarded in accordance with appropriate verification of application information and through properly appointed committees functioning at the annual National Convention.

  • Medical prescription expenses for treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Direct financial assistance for Sickle Cell Anemia related medical needs/costs.
  • Support for participation in Sickle Cell Anemia therapy/counseling, patient summer camps, or other related programs. 

Donation Amount Form

Amount to Donate:



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In Memory Of:
In Honor Of:

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