Interest Groups/Committees Details
Mid-Level Leadership IG
The Mid-Level Leadership interest group was created to allow those in mid-level management/leadership an opportunity to foster discussions, presentations and develop programming and events around the topics of leading from the middle of an organization. The target audience for this interest group are those currently in middle-management positions as well as those who are interested in developing leadership skills.
Primary Contact:
Hazel McClure
Contact Email:
Interest Groups/Committees Member Information
Liz Svoboda
(IGCC Liaison)
Jackie Blonigen
Mrs. Elise J Bohn
Ms Courtney Cooney
Brent Domann
Heather Fisher
Emily Frigo
Ms Rosemary Graham
Ms. Rebecca Grai
Mrs. Sarah Henry Boggs
Kelli Herm
Jessica Hronchek
Mr. Jon Jeffryes
Ms. Kate Langan
Francene Lewis
Stephanie Mathson
Linda Miles
Rachel Minkin
Ms Jennifer Nason
Joshua Neds-Fox
Ms. Amanda Nichols Hess
Ms. Mary O'Kelly
Mr Benjamin Oberdick
Christina Radisauskas
Geri Rinna
Mr. Jonathan Scherger
Heidi Schroeder
Mrs Rachel Smith
Jill Sodt
Sandra Teft
Rebecca Tull
Kathleen Weessies
Carol Whittaker
Todd Wiebe
Dawn Winans
Mr. Brian Yost