Interest Groups/Committees Details
Assessment IG
The Assessment Interest Group was created as a forum to discuss and exchange ideas on how to effectively gather and use data to inform decision making and to tell our story to stakeholders
Primary Contact:
Michele Reid
Contact Email:
Interest Groups/Committees Member Information
Liz Svoboda
(IGCC Liaison)
Ms. Stacy Anderson
Amy Bailey
Laura Berdish
Ms Teresa Biegun
Moya Bonzelaar
Mr. Richard Buboltz
Kyle Bylin
Stephanie Davis
Ms Lauren Day
Anne Dempsey
Anita Dey
Amy Fyn
Ms Hannah Gingrich
Ms Rosemary Graham
Ms Kate Harger
Ms. Alexandra Hauser
Mrs. Sarah Henry Boggs
Margaret Hoogland
Mr. Jon Jeffryes
Ranti Junus
Heidi Keppen Palmer
Sarah Kolk
Heather Ladiski
Ms. Kate Langan
Francene Lewis
Denise Leyton
Stephanie Mathson
Sandra McCarthy
Karen McLaughlin
Linda Miles
Amelia Mowry
Caryn Noel
Ms. Mary O'Kelly
S.E. Pavlica
Michele Pratt
Christina Radisauskas
Geri Rinna
Ms. Alexandra Rivera
Mrs Rachel Smith
Jill Sodt
Duane Strojny
Sandra Teft
Jill Turner
Mrs. Brenna Wade
Todd Wiebe
Dr. Elizabeth Yakel