Advocacy Day
10:30 AM - 3:00 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Description
Advocacy Day
Tuesday, March 4, 2024
Mackinac Room Anderson House Building
124 N. Capitol Avenue Lansing MI 48933
$60 includes lunch

Advocacy Day will be held on Tuesday, March 4, from 10:30am-3:00pm and will be held at the Anderson House Office Building, Mackinac Room, 124 N. Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI. The day will begin with the MDA Advocacy Committee providing legislative updates and key messages to share with legislators. At noon, State Representatives and Senators will join us for lunch and casual conversations. In the afternoon, MDA members will visit the offices of key House and Senate committee members. This event is a wonderful way to communicate to members of our legislature the importance of strong Michigan downtowns!
Setting: In-Person
Anderson House Office Building
Mackinac Room
124 N. Capitol Aveune
Lansing, MI 48933

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